Health, Happiness and Hope Until HOME

Foster Care

Our foster care program provides temporary homes for dogs in need, offering them love, care, and stability while they wait for their forever families.


Being the guardian of a dog is a big responsibility. Not only do you want to help that dog become the best that they can be, you have to learn to deal with all the people and animals that your dog will interact with. We try to help prospective owners in any way we can including: helping to find the right breed for you and your lifestyle, finding trainers, introducing your new dog to the household (that includes both the people and other animals present), keeping your dog safe and healthy and teaching children how to interact with your dog correctly. It’s not just “get a dog and you’re set”, it’s a lifetime commitment to another beings life.

Preparing for the Bridge

The story of the Rainbow Bridge is a comforting way for pet guardians to transition into the future loss of their beloved pet. Here at Bruiser’s Legacy we are unfortunately too familiar with pet loss. I fully believe that the only time when our pets hurt us is when they have to cross over that bridge and away from us. But way too often people give up on these wonderful animals before it is really their time. More and more seniors are dumped in shelters to make room for a new puppy. In rescue we still see the value of those lives and many have had their last months or years here at Bruiser’s Legacy. We keep them safe, and comfortable, providing the extra care needed when necessary until it is truly their time to go.

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